Sunday, February 23, 2014


I went to breakfast at the egg and I and man was it good they just opened and they were really crowded i mean it was insane but other than that it has been a normal day and wow the other night i got my nana and papa plus there friends to play idiot poker and a acting game it was so fun and funny i am so glad i have a awesome family life could not get any better also what kind of loom bracelets can you make? I can only make like 14 but i will learn more soon also i have this uncle and he met a girl and she has a daughter so i can hang our with her so that makes it fun and i am going to pick up my other uncles dog poo today for some cash so thats a good thing because i lost like 90 bucks so i need to save up again :o but it's okay i will get some money also i know this cool game its called leaf me alone you should play it.   It's a computer game. And i think you could look on an app store for it or not i mean its okay well i have nothing else to talk about sadly i love to talk and type and read and other stuff so yeah bye!

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Sup peoples i am sorry about  not doing many posts and when i do they are not long but i mostly blog when i am relaxing to music but its weird music oh and i just got a new friend so that made me happy so thats good but other that that its just 7 friends now i am  so happy! Lets just say i am kinda weird but that i don't care i like myself also i am doing lego movie blind bags ( Thanks dad for buying them) But if i can't find my ipod then i can't film it. Thats a bummer also i went to a jumping gym and i am learning some gymnastics my my 13 year old "sister" but really it's my real sisters friends but we are always together and so i feel very happy to have them in my life and they call my mom and dad mom and dad and me there sister do any of you guys have a life like this? Anyways i have some cool news i have made up my own bracelet well at least i don't thinks anyone else has already made it up but it probably  is a  bracelet already :( but i am still happy.............................. oh yeah do any of you guys know the song on top of the world i am singing that for school for a thing of student of the month so i am so happy but i am also nervous but i know that is normal right oh yeah monster just came on oh yeah im friends with the monster thats under my bed ok that was random and i think this is my  longest blog ever so that is pretty cool i think and that way you  guys can be like hmm i like reading because i looooooovvvvvvvvve to read sooooooooooooooooo much it is so fun to read i mean its so fun to see what runs through peoples minds and i also found out that my nana is going to read my blogs. YES!!!!!!!!!! i have a new reader well i have to go get ready for the day so peace. :P

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Hey guess what i died my hair and got bangs!!!  Also i like to dance and right now i am making up some dances of my life the songs are story of my life,a thousand years, double rainbow, dark horse,burn, stay the night, sunrise, skinny love, pompeii, riahnaa monster, imagine dragons monster,happy, after ever after, beam me up, the best day, blow me one last kiss, blurried lines,daylight, disturbia,girl on fire, girlfriend, give me every thing, ready or not, waking up in veagas, hot n cold,part of me, human and burn. And i only have 4 down so ya. And when i find my i pod i will film them so yeah thats all really but then at the same time i hope you guys have a good sunday bye.   
Ps i will post a pic of my hair but it is hard to see the color btw

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hey guys the lego movie was awesome. It was so  funny! also do any of you guys watch the olympics
i do. Also i will do a haul of fun things but seriously i don't care if you think i am babbyish because i love who i am. Next do any of you guys see like see stupid movies and think they are funny!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hey guys i am so pumped I am seeing the lego movie and then gonna go shoping but i will post a vid sometime this week it will be a rainbow loom vid so i just wanted to let you peps know because then i am doing what i love writing telling stories and typing i love to hear the sound its good anyways i just wanted to let you know because thats the way i am and when i get back from it i will do a google+ review so look on that  also today i am telling you some stuff about me um.... ok i have glasses and i love to read type camiping looming and singing and dancing/acting ok so i guess that got some things straight also i wanted to say thanks for reading my blogs and i hope you know i read blogs to so i'm not a hogger or anything and if i was i would do gossiping and all that stuff i mean thats just plain mean.  man that was my first period  but i dont care about that oh and i love love love writing its the best one day i want to be a writer it would be so fun and its a stay at home job so i could have lots of little babys jk just like 2 or 3 problay maybe less or more but when i turn eleven i will just do a blog still just a diffrent name and backround just so you know  but i have a while. Also i dont care if anything is spelt wrong or not proper ghramer  well i have to go now peace

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hey peps i am back are you guys having a good superbowl? also i have an idea what to talk about this week thanks to a friend today we are talking about frozen  i mean it is a amazing movie and i have seen it 3 times plus in singalong have you guys? Also do you wish you could have magical powers? That would be so cool. Also i just found out that i am going to be in a weding for my aunt and uncle. And my parents are getting married in 12 13 14 the 12 month the 13 day and in 2014 it will be so fun we all have a special part. im also exited to tell you peoples im coming back to youtube i have some fun ideas! And you guys can comment on my page for things to do on you tube. So i think you guys are getting board so im going to end right here well not oh what ever bye!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

hey sorry i haven't been posting also i won't be posting until i have time to sit and write so you won't be hearing from me for about a week sorry bye.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I don't know why but whenever i am around by best friend (he's a boy and he's super nice) i feel like i'm free i don't know thy any suggestions? Also lets just say i suck at science. well i'm going to go scare my sister byeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

day 3

hey people i just went to school today and i had an awesome sub.And i got to skip tons of work i mean i know thats nothing interesting but i do have some cool stuff that you guys might want to read. I will be posting parts of the book i'm writing!  If any body has any ideas on what i should talk about let me know bye!!!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 2

Does this sound weird? The guy i like (were are very good friends) has a friend and he  likes my girl friend no i am not lesbian.Anyways i told him thats ok and now he thinks that there close:p
Ok  right now i'm looming and typing its not as easy as it seems. And do any of you pepes like american girl dolls i'm obsessed.  Well any ways i have to go bye.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Right now I am laying in bed and i think about how the time has past and how i could have made better choices and how the year has gone by.But sometimes i can't fall asleep so i am going to tell you some ways that help me that might help.
1.warm milk and honey
2. a rice bag or a sock of rice
4.listen to your fave song a movie
these are just a few of my ways hope you enjoy bye!!!!!!!

Day 1 About me

Ok hi um well let me tell you a little about my life. My name is Mia and i'm 10 i am also bi polar i was diagnosed  on January 7. I was an in a suisidal care center for 7 days. also i can't spell that well sorry.
But besides that i'm a normal preteen. I have just moved i got a second step dad and 3 new sisters. I will not tell you because of safety reasons. I have a mom a dad a 3 year old half sister, i have a 9 year old step sister, a 13  year old step sister well she turned 14 today but whatever me and her are best buds were super close ok you get it and i have a 15 year old step sister. ok thats all. also i have a you tube channel. Well thats all for today bye!!