Saturday, January 25, 2014

hey sorry i haven't been posting also i won't be posting until i have time to sit and write so you won't be hearing from me for about a week sorry bye.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I don't know why but whenever i am around by best friend (he's a boy and he's super nice) i feel like i'm free i don't know thy any suggestions? Also lets just say i suck at science. well i'm going to go scare my sister byeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

day 3

hey people i just went to school today and i had an awesome sub.And i got to skip tons of work i mean i know thats nothing interesting but i do have some cool stuff that you guys might want to read. I will be posting parts of the book i'm writing!  If any body has any ideas on what i should talk about let me know bye!!!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 2

Does this sound weird? The guy i like (were are very good friends) has a friend and he  likes my girl friend no i am not lesbian.Anyways i told him thats ok and now he thinks that there close:p
Ok  right now i'm looming and typing its not as easy as it seems. And do any of you pepes like american girl dolls i'm obsessed.  Well any ways i have to go bye.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Right now I am laying in bed and i think about how the time has past and how i could have made better choices and how the year has gone by.But sometimes i can't fall asleep so i am going to tell you some ways that help me that might help.
1.warm milk and honey
2. a rice bag or a sock of rice
4.listen to your fave song a movie
these are just a few of my ways hope you enjoy bye!!!!!!!

Day 1 About me

Ok hi um well let me tell you a little about my life. My name is Mia and i'm 10 i am also bi polar i was diagnosed  on January 7. I was an in a suisidal care center for 7 days. also i can't spell that well sorry.
But besides that i'm a normal preteen. I have just moved i got a second step dad and 3 new sisters. I will not tell you because of safety reasons. I have a mom a dad a 3 year old half sister, i have a 9 year old step sister, a 13  year old step sister well she turned 14 today but whatever me and her are best buds were super close ok you get it and i have a 15 year old step sister. ok thats all. also i have a you tube channel. Well thats all for today bye!!